This is your one-stop-shop to everything you need to know about the impacts of Coronavirus and how to get the information you need.
We have been inundated with calls from business owners and employees with questions relating to the impacts they are facing from the Coronavirus pandemic. So we thought we'd put together a portal to help as many business owners and employers as we can.
We aim to cover a lot of ground within this portal. Everything from managing anxiety, through to keeping abreast of the latest rulings from Fair Work, ATO, Centrelink and the like.
Our goal is to keep it up to date with the latest changes so you are informed and able to make good decisions.
Portal Content
- Overview to this Portal and how it aims to Help you (7:19)
- Itemised Log of Updates
- List of Links to Trusted Sources
- Managing Mental Health and Anxiety (43:27)
- Improving my Business Financial Situation (12:38)
- Employees - Supporting your team through the Coronavirus
- Banks - Financial Support + how to Save on Loans and Interest
- ATO - Financial Assistance
- Federal Government / JobKeeper/ Stimulus / Assistance - Business Focussed
- Federal Government Stimulus / Assistance - Individual
- State Based Links
- Workplace Health & Safety
- Legal Stuff - Contracts, Leasing and the like
- Financial Assistance offered by the Government and the States and Territories
Meet Loren Downing, Director of Sync or Swim.
Loren has been operating Sync or Swim for 10 years.
Before that she had a 10 year corporate career within the insurance industry and on the side helping small business as a hobby.
During her corporate era she changed roles every 2 years to hone a new craft. e.g. Buying and Selling businesses, managing large teams, driving cultural change, doing the Budgeting and Financial Reporting for the Board and driving initiatives to grow successful business units.
With this experience under her belt, she thought it was time to bring the corporate edge to small business! And help the businesses that really need it and where she could make an impactful and noticeable difference. But more importantly develop life long relationships helping people fulfil their dreams.
You can watch this video to learn how Loren came to start Sync or Swim.
Loren has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Finance and a Post Graduate Diploma of Business Studies. Although Loren strongly believes the best education she had was completing a 1 month TEFL course teaching English to kids and corporates in Vietnam. And then went on to teach for a short period of time in Vietnam and France. This taught Loren the craft of removing jargon and thinking creatively to get things across and done!
We hope you find her raw, jargon-free, no bullshit approach refreshing.